Offerings & Workshops


  • Ashtanga

    Probably the most common and well known form of yoga, Ashtanga is key. These workshops are designed to go pose by pose and help inform your postures overall.

  • Vinyasa

    Ok, now we’re just playing. Vinyasa is putting the Ashtanga poses together. It’s how we “flow” from one to another. These classes are fun, engaging and yes, you will sweat.

  • Anatomy

    Probably my strongest suit as this is really my background. The anatomy workshops are designed to deep dive into why we can move like we can, both pushing our bodies and how to know where to stop

  • Handstand

    Just like it says, these workshops are about getting you upside down, comfortable with it, not wavering back and forth and how to build into that if you’re not ready. Crawl, walk then run. Handstands are something you work into.

  • Acro

    The pretty stuff and what you need if you want to spice up your instagram. Yes, acro is all about having fun, trust in your partner and yourself and takes yoga to another level. .. no there wasn’t supposed to be a pun there.

Get in touch.